Welcome to Instruct-ERIC

Instruct-ERIC is an European distributed Research Infrastructure that provides open access to high-end structural biology services and techniques (including sample characterization, X-ray crystallography, NMR and cryo-EM, among others), making cutting-edge technologies and methods available to European researchers. Technologies and services are free for the user, since they are entirely funded by the Instruct platform.


Instruct-ERIC is composed of an increasing number of Instruct Centres spread all over Europe. Instruct-ES constitutes the Spanish Instruct Centre, which offers services related to cryoEM, including sample vitrification, screening, data collection and image processing. It is based at the Spanish National Centre for Biotechnology (CNB-CSIC) and integrated by two units: the Instruct Image Processing Centre (I2PC) and the recently joined CryoEM-CSIC facility.

Users from Instruct-ERIC member countries (link to list of countries) are allowed to access services and technologies from both units, either separately or jointly in the same proposal.

Additionally, Instruct-ES can help any Spanish researcher to apply to any of the Instruct services, and can channel to/from Instruct any initiative or question the Spanish research community may have.

The Instruct Spain Center is financed by the MICINN as part of the Spanish participation in Instruct – ERIC, the European Strategic Infrastructure Project (ESFRI) in the area of Structural Biology.

Coordination (Director): Jose Maria Carazo
Scientific Directors: Carlos Oscar S Sorzano and Jose Maria Valpuesta
Administration: Blanca E. Benitez

Instruct ERIC goal

The goal of this infrastructure is that any researcher interested in the structure of a biological macromolecule can finally obtain it irrespectively of their background in structural biology, having help from experienced scientists and access to high-end technology in each one of the steps required to go from the project conceptualization to the final structure.